Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why I voted NOTA….

This has been a tumultuous 5 years, especially for those opposed to the Hindu Terrorist ideology of the incumbent Govt. There are enough reasons given by those of my ilk to vote for the strongest candidate against this Govt and many of those reasons are extremely good as well. The problem however is that it is largely pointless because if the next five years of another government are going to be one which just lays out the red carpet for the same nonsense 5 more years down the line, then what is required is a change of the system itself – not just the Govt.

To my ilk I would say that they have got it ass backwards wrong if they believe first of all that exhorting platitudes on social media counts for anything in reality. I would also go as far as saying that many of my social media ilk didn’t have to face even the smallest problem to their lives under this govt so why are they voting against this govt or voting at all, really? Clearly my ilk are the elite, savarna, English speakers. Nothing changes for them at all except for minor inconveniences… nothing as earth shattering as the midnight knock or anything like that.

This is in fact the time that many of us should be asking if the Opposition or any anti-Hindutva party will actually do what it really takes to ensure the Hindu Terrorist party never comes to power again. And the conclusion to that is why I voted NOTA. No party has put forward my manifesto. I have to choose between their manifestos.

So I ask…

  • Which party promises that any Savarna that attacks a Dalit as part of his religious duty to the fake Hindu Religion will be arrested under UAPA, placed in solitary confinement and then forced labour till death? None.

  • Which party promises that any attempt by the Savarna administration officer to block the rise of a dalit in the ranks or in education institutions will be punished by the seizure of his or her wealth and the wealth of his or her family? None.

  • Which party promises that if a repeat of Asifa takes place that the execution of a Hindu Terrorist will take place in the place of said Hindu Terrorists domicile in Public, in full view of anyone inspired to undertake a similar misadventure? None

  • Which party promises a UBI to anyone outside of a Tier 1 and 2 city in India who does not own land? None

  • Which party promises to ensure a referendum before major infrastructure projects like Metros are undertaken in cities? None.

  • Which party promises a full financial clampdown and investigation into the Hindu Terrorist RSS? None.

  • Which party will make it a criminal offense for any Indian to call another Indian seditious? None.

  • Which party promises to burn the Manusmriti from Red fort every year and spit on the statue of Manu? None.

  • Which party promises to hold a program for a National implementation of the Kudumbashree program? None

  • Which party has the balls to overturn the beef ban? None

  • Which party will make it a criminal offense to protest against the Supreme Court judgements like it did in Sabarimala? None.

  • Which party is willing to pass a law that Police officers who are incompetent are dismissed from service and not transferred. That if their motivation or incompetence results in the death or wrongful imprisonment of an individual, that Officer will face the same imprisonment two fold? None.

  • Which party will hold a right to recall referendum every year? None.

  • Which party is willing to call Israel a terrorist State and sever all ties with them? None

  • Which party has a concrete program to rejuvenate BRICS and make it the one massive power block in the world with the expressive objective of demoting US to 5th place as a world economy? None

  • Which party will ensure universal healthcare, free education to all levels, free housing and a right to employment? None.

If these measures that I deem basic are not on the radars of any party, what the hell is the point?

Fuck the Hindu Upper Caste Democracy. Let it burn!