Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Communist Manifesto as it should be applied in India...

The Communist Manifesto was one of the first documents that was released that outlined what a Socialist program would look like Politically and Economically, post - revolution. 

In whichever country that has had a Socialist Revolution, this has been a guiding doctrine and has also been a resounding success until it's implementation was stopped or sabotaged. 

Today, for many of you, this document may seem dated and its application may not make sense. Thus, here is a point by point guide to help you envision what the Communist Manifesto will look like in India.

On assuming office through either Parliamentary democracy or through Revolution, the tasks will be as follows and in no specific order:

The Army and National Security.

  1. Secure the Indian Army by removing all reactionary heads of command and replacing them with those of neutral political dispensation.
  2. Initiate the process of converting this Colonial legacy of an Army into a People's Army by dissolving all the regiments that are based on Region, Caste, and also removing the Upper Classes from Officer Rank.
  3. Add new divisions and responsibilities for the Army. The People's Army will no longer just sit in the barracks and shoot people on command but rather be involved in Infrastructure building, Relief and Restoration operations, and most importantly to de-politicise the Police Forces as well as to train the new Police recruits.
  4. Increase the size of the Army and recruit from the mass of unemployed of the country to start these activities that include more soldiers it the Engineering corps and Disaster Relief corps.
  5. Military budgets increase and new impetus on local ordinance manufacture and delivery to secure Ammunition and Supply Chains.
  6. Immediate withdrawal of the Military from Civilian Policing operations and an end to the use of AFSPA. The Indian Army will NOT fire on Indian Civilians!
Agriculture and Food Security
  1. Immediate Collectivisation of Agriculture and the creation of Farming Co-ops. The Revolutionary Party cadre will be essential in administering these co-ops.
  2. All arable land will be brought under cultivation of these Co-Ops
  3. All Rural peasantry will be employees of these Co-Ops and will have a State Salary with Bonuses that will be given on achievement of the yearly targets of food production.
  4. The creation of a Rural Peasant Army that will be trained for engineering works to bring Water, Electricity and Housing to the Rural Populations. One House for every family and dignity for all.
  5. No one will be allowed to Own the Land or Purchase land. Land will be allocated equally to every farmer along with Housing and all facilities. Land is the Collective property of the Working Class of India.
  6. All Agricultural produce will be bought by the Govt and the Five year plans will mandate an immediate end to Starvation and Malnourishment. Any surplus agricultural produce beyond this can be traded with external countries.
  7. Subsequent agricultural plans will also include the cultivation and mass expansion of cash crops that will supplement National Income.
Urban Development
  1. Works to begin at every Coastal area to set up desalination plants to ensure 24x7 water supply to all citizens living in Urban clusters.
  2. Creation of an Urban Development Works department so that Municipalities carry out works without outsourcing to Private entities. All Urban development works to be carried out by this body only. 
  3. Modernise Urban Transport infrastructure in all cities to ensure last mile connectivity for Freight and Passenger traffic. Port and Supply Chain facilities to be upgraded to international quality.
  4. Immediate Urban housing projects to ensure that all Urban City Dwellers with proof of address to be given Housing. No more living in Slums, Everyone to live a life of dignity. 
  5. Clean cities and Urban Dwellings to be made a fundamental right. No more living in filth and garbage ever again. 
  6. Ensure that employment centers are well spread out in the city and not aggregated in one area. Offices and industries to be made closer to areas of living and vice versa.
Revenue and Economics
  1. Immediate Collection of all taxes forgone by Industries and Corporations with retrospective effect. Those who do not comply or cannot comply will be nationalised. Private owners' assets to be seized for this if necessary.
  2. Progressive Taxation to be applied to all citizens. Anyone earning more than 3-4 lakhs a month to be taxed at 90%. Anyone earning upto 1 lakh a month to pay 5% tax. 
  3. Rural income will be taxed like Industrial worker tax.
  4. Indirect taxation to be the mainstay of National Income generation much like the single tax regime. 
  5. Nationalise all transportation, energy creation and supply, infrastructure building industries. National Security will not be in Private hands.
  6. Abolishment of the Stock Market.
  7. Institution of Labour reforms to Guarantee a Job for every Indian and minimum wages.
Foreign Policy
  1. Formation of a combined trading block that includes all of South Asia, China and Russia.
  2. Renegotiate better trade terms with the WTO.
  3. Ensure security from American Imperialist wars with the creation of a Warsaw Pact like alliance against America and the West.
  4. Renew ties with Iran and the Middle East to ensure energy security.
  5. Promote Socialism and Communist party vanguards throughout the South Asian region to ensure stability of rule.
Domestic Policy and Law
  1. Constitutional amendments to abolish the first past the post system and opt for Representative democracy of States. State Councils to further ensure representative systems for all marginalised sections to ensure no majoritarian rule.
  2. No member of the Bourgeoisie, Religious Groups, or the Military will be allowed to hold political office.
  3. No member with a criminal record will be allowed to hold any political office.
  4. All members of the Judiciary to be chosen by Judicial College and a Revolutionary People's Law Board. Both are constitutional bodies and not connected with Govt.
  5. The Communist Party itself will not be the Revolutionary Govt and no member of the Communist Party can be part of the Govt unless after resignation. Govt is for the People not for Parties.
  6. All religious and right wing organisations based on Ideology or Religion to be banned and all their members to be treated as Counter-Revolutionaries. Members with a criminal record will be imprisoned to death. Members without a criminal record to serve in Labour Camps.
  7. Religion will be prohibited from Govt and Public space. A new uniform civil code that is secular - Anti-Religion and Atheistic - will be instituted. All religious laws to be immediately terminated and all contracts done under erstwhile religious laws to be diluted.
  8.  Places of worship will not be allowed to collect donations. Their upkeep will be supervised by the state, if deemed an important monument.
  9. Caste discrimination to be punishable with Labour Camp terms. 
  10. Constitutional Amendments to make Employment, Health, Nutrition, Housing and a Right to a life of dignity to be made a fundamental right.
  11. Mandatory Unionisation of every member of the Working Class.
Social Changes
  1. Abolishing all identity and community specific housing to ensure that all Indians mix, live, eat and die together. 
  2. Reinvigorate the Public broadcasting space to ensure that Public broadcasting takes precedence over Private broadcasts. Agenda based media dissemination to end.
  3. Education to be made a fundamental right to the highest level possible. All educational infrastructure to be upgraded to soak up every single student.
  4. Arts and Culture to be realigned to further the goals of the Revolution and not to pander to Capitalist alienation.
  5. Secularise society by the creation of a ministry of Rationalism. This ministry will be tasked with spreading Atheism, destroying old feudal orders, and removing reactionary sentiment from public consciousness.


  1. Haha, anyone with a capitalistic leaning will be serving time at labour camp?? Why? Shouldn't there be a freedom of expression? What if the current government does the same??

  2. Umm comrade. Why is are the reactionary heads of the military being replaced with "neutral" ones? Then the counter revolution will crush the communist state. Learn from Venezuela , China during the cultural revolution.

  3. I find it interesting that in spite of the last few decades' history of communism across the world, this version of the manifesto for India sounds like a good idea at this point in time.

  4. Will show your right place ... Where you belong to.

  5. I have a serious question when every commi like you who indulge in ki11ing of hindus , will get political office or not..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
